Sunday, October 12, 2014

Yes, Prayer was answered. Yes, I started the programme. Yay me! and yes, it is hectic!


I apologize to you, to me, to blogger, to anyone who expected me to write, and I have not written.

I was discouraged, but I feel the need to come back. (yay!)

So, my programme started the first week in September, with a course called 'Contemporary Challenges in Business'.  The main objective of the course is to enable us get used to the sixth edition of the 'publication manual of the American Psychological Association'.  That is the bible for this course, in fact for the whole programme, it provides the proper referencing style for the programme.

It is a lot to get used to, but as the professor said, we will get used to it and then become pros. ( sigh)

I have to attend residency, ( I will visit obodo Amurika o), but funding na him be the koko, but He has done it thus far, what is too hard for him?

Anyway, thank you for reading, and I once again apologize for the silence.

I promise to try to be more diligent in updating, even if it is just one line, sebi na update be that?
