Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A slight bump

I had hoped to take advantage of the 20% discount offered by the University of my Choice, but there seems to be a hitch, before my application can be considered, I must send in my transcript from my alma mater to them.  So, I applied, on line, my university insists all transactions must be done on line.  My enrolment advisor is on my case to submit.
However, my alma mater insists processing of transcript will take up to four weeks, which is before postage, why? This is very disheartening, for something to be processed on line and it would take up to a month to process, hmn, Naija!
Anyway, I thought I could use the option of the alma mater sending it online, but enrolment advisor insists it must be a sealed package sent to the school.
No, I will not be discouraged, I will press on.  It is just a bump in the road, and I will drive over it.
So, start time is now March, this will give me an opportunity to prepare materially and psychologically.  You see, all things work together for good for those that love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose.

A man of God once told me if the Lord asked Him to do something and he sees no obstacle, he will become worried.

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